SMG has worldwide resources that are extremely reliable in identifying and locating international assets such as bank accounts, real estate, financial instruments, vehicles, and motorboats.
In addition, SMG has sources and methods that can assist in locating offshore accounts to include the ultimate beneficial owners of an Offshore company. SMG has capabilities in identifying the actual UBO of an offshore company as opposed to the nominee owners, who are simply local employees of a fiduciary company/law firm/business management company that manage the offshore company on behalf of the Beneficial Owners who wish to remain anonymous for various reasons.
If and when a major asset or a substantial amount of monies is identified SMG also offers clients asset recovery assistance in cooperation with some of the best asset recovery lawyers in the U.S. as well as many foreign countries.
All of the above investigations can be conducted as long as the client has a lawful reason to pursue such as a court judgment for a debt, a divorce action where one of the parties believes the spouse or partner is hiding assets.