Performing Your Background Check

A background check is extremely important when dealing with an employee that you don’t know that much about. Were they involved in any federal crimes? Do they have any cases pending against them? Were they fired from their previous jobs? Where do they come from? Do they actually have the skills that they put on… Read more »

Due Diligence: What You Should be Investigating

In case you are not familiar with the phrase, due diligence simply means investigating or auditing a potential investment. This is important when you are looking to invest in a business, especially one that is in a foreign country. When taking the chance and investing in a company you want to make sure there are… Read more »

All about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is something that all companies have to abide by. But what exactly is it? Overview of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act The act was passed in 1977 by the Senate on May 5th. The act itself makes it unlawful for different individuals or companies to pay off of bribe foreign… Read more »