Obtaining and then protecting a trademark can be an arduous task. From dealing with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to keeping those who want to infringe upon your trademark at bay, you have to be on the ball at all times to protect your trademarked idea or product. It also means you have to… Read more »
Managed Risk: How Risk Assessment Can Help Your Operation
Running a business can be a very difficult task on its own. All the risk that comes with managing your company is only further amplified when you are attempting to expand to a new market or country. You can visit the country all you want, but until you become very familiar with it, you will… Read more »
Protecting Your Intellectual Property in New Latin American Markets
Whether you’re thinking about opening, moving or expanding your business to Latin America, there is a lot to plan and consider. Many companies learn too late how important it is to protect your intellectual property in new, foreign markets. Latin America is rapidly seeing internet growth meaning a higher volume of users will begin pirating… Read more »
Investigate Digital Crime With Computer Forensics
It is very easy for hackers and other computer savvy criminals to commit digital fraud today. We require digital security for almost everything in this day and age. Much of our personal and classified business information exists online, from banking information to addresses, medical records and Social Security. It is important to have a trustworthy… Read more »
Weather Your Business’ Storms With Crisis Management
The world is ever-changing, and while many of these changes can bring plenty of good, there is always the chance that they could also bring disaster. If your business is dealing with a crisis situation, it’s important to have an effective crisis management plan in place. Crisis management is the program a business must create… Read more »
Dealing With Threats from Within
When a company is still relatively small, it’s easy for the owner of that company to keep an eye on everything that’s going on with its employees. However, as a company grows, it can be more and more difficult to keep track of those working for the business. As a result, many companies end up… Read more »
How Does Money Laundering Affect Society?
Money laundering is probably not something that the average person or business owner spends a lot of time thinking about, but it’s something that could potentially affect everyone in society when it is not monitored and allowed to run rampant. Money laundering takes place when an individual or business attempts to conceal funds that were… Read more »
How We Can Help Investigate Foreign Fraud Cases
Many businesspeople and corporate teams travel and do business all around the world for work. It can be very easy for these people to become the victims of corporate fraud in areas outside of the United States, however. A lot of people lack the legal resources while expanding operations to a foreign country, which can… Read more »
Protecting Your Intellectual Property and Licenses
After you start a business, you spend years and years building up your name, familiarizing people with your logo, and creating products that are unique to your company. That’s why you should do everything in your power to prevent another business from coming along and using your intellectual property or licenses without your permission. Your… Read more »
Due Diligence Investigations Help Verify Your Partners, Employees
Building an effective team is a critical process for every business, and having trustworthy partners and employees can make or break a business. The importance of a trusted, solid team of employees and partners becomes even more important for companies that operate internationally. Due diligence investigations with SMG Consulting Services can help to verify your… Read more »